ECG holter Spiderview
A multipurpose digital Holter recorder.
Spiderview is a Holter recorder that is small, compact, easy to use and, above all, conceived for multipurpose applications.
The wide LCD display and the flower-like keypad help to make programming easy. Spiderview’s initialization tests improve the accuracy and reliability of recordings. Use Spiderview with your Synetec/Syneview2 (2/3 channels 24 hours) or with your Synescope Holter Reader (Multichannel Multiday) and Easyscope (Multiday only).
- Multichannel: up to 12
Spiderview is able to record several channels according to the lead configuration, to better fit the clinical needs and the patient’s comfort.
2 channels, 3 channels, 3 orthogonal XYZ channels, 12 derived leads from XYZ, 12 true leads can be recorded.
- Multiday: up to 4
Spiderview records from 1 to 4 days (96h).
You can use the novel features of this recorder to monitor patients for timeframes longer than usual Holter.
This approach will help you to catch episodes beyond the 48 hours by recording several leads continuously according to the memory card.
- Multimode: up to 4
Spiderview offers the possibility to record the ECG signal at the Standard Mode (200 Hz), at the Enhanced Mode (unfiltered standard), at the Uncompressed Mode (raw data) and at the High Resolution Mode (1000 Hz).
The data are recorded on a SD Card.
- Compatibility
Spiderview is compatible with:
Synetec/Syneview2 analysis software for 2/3 channels 24-hour recordings
Synescope/Easyscope Holter analysis software for Multichannel Multiday recordings
Technical features:
- Acquisition sampling rate: 1000 Hz
- Recording rate: 200 Hz
- Enhanced and uncompressed mode frequency response: 0.05 - 100 Hz
- Resolution: 15 bits, 10 μV in Standard Mode, 2.5 μV in High Resolution mode
- Common-mode rejection: 94 dB
- Input dynamic range: ± 16 Mv
- Power supply: one 1.5V long-life alkaline battery for four 24-hour recordings or one NIMH type rechargeable battery with a minimum capacity of 1500 mAh
- Weight: 85g without battery (25g for standard alkaline)
- Dimensions: 97 x 54 x 23 mm
- Pacemaker spike detection
Cable specifications:
2 channels 3 electrodes, 2 channels 5 electrodes, 3 channels 7 electrodes
3 channels XYZ 7 electrodes (also for 12 derived leads with the Dower Matrix)
3 channels XYZ 7 shielded cable
12 leads 10 electrodes
Memory cards:
Sorin SD Card (256 MB).
Manufacturer: Microport , China (old Ela Medical).