Brand: Lode

Price: 0.00‎€

The Corival is one of the most popular ergometers worldwide. The low start-up load of 7 Watt is unique. The Corival can be controlled easily by all known stress ECG and pulmonary devices in the world. The Corival has an eddy current electro-magnetic braking mechanism. The biggest advantage of this system is the accuracy which is one of the most important Lode principles. With this ergometer, the stress tests performed are reliable and reproducible. The workload is adjustable in a range of 7 to 1000 watt. Moreover, the noise level is reduced to a minimum. This ergometer can be used for obese and elderly test subjects and in rehabilitation settings. The ergometer is suitable for test subjects up to 250 kgs. The Recumbent ergometer is easily accessible for all test subjects.

  • Reliable and reproducible stress tests
  • The experience of professionals who calibrate many ergometers has learned that the Lode ergometers are the most reliable over the complete workload and rpm range and still within specifications even after many years of intensive use.
  • Multifunctional
  • The ergometer can be used in various ergometry settings, enabling a multifunctional deployment
  • Various test modes
  • Besides the mostly used hyperbolic (rpm independent) mode, the standard control unit gives the possibility to test in various other modes like fixed torque and linear. These modes can be used in both manual and terminal mode.
  • Heavy Duty Design
  • The Excalibur Sport is designed for heavy duty sports medicine ergometry, without doing any concession on the esthetic, modern and robust design. In other words: Excalibur Sport: the gold standard in Ergometry!
  • Q-factor equal to roadbike
  • The Q-factor of the ergometer is equal to the Q-factor of road bikes, enabling perfect training circumstances.
  • Extreme low start up load
  • The extreme low start-up load of 7 watts and the adjustability in small steps of 1 watt make this ergometer perfectly suitable for many different applications. The standard control unit shows multiple ergometry parameters and you can determine your specific default setting and start-up menu.
  • Low noise
  • Due to accurate manufacturing and the careful choice of materials the product has an extremely low noise level.
  • Small adjustment steps
  • The workload of the Lode ergometers is adjustable in steps of only 1 watt. Depending on your wishes, the test operator or the test subject can adjust the workload. The steps of 1 watt are possible in the manual mode as well as within protocols.
  • Compatible with ECG and pulmonary devices

The Lode ergometers have both analog and digital interfaces and can be controlled easily by all known stress ECG and pulmonary devices available in the world. This is one of the reasons why the Lode ergometers are very popular worldwide.

 Manufactuer: Lode, Netherlands.

Logo Diasys


Address: Fidipidou 13, 11526, Athens

Phone: 210-7776565

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